Vehicle Found Shot Up With One Victim On Cline Ave
Around 7:45pm Sunday Indiana State Police found a vehicle on the shoulder of Cline Ave South just North of the I80 East ramp. The vehicle had numerous bullet holes in the windshield and passenger side. One victim was transported by The Hammond Fire Department with non life threatening injuries to an area hospital. A source close this says three people were in the vehicle including a 2 year old and this might have stemmed from road rage. The victim is in good condition with a graze wound.
Lake County Sheriffs Office has taken over the investigation and Cline Ave South as of 8:30pm is shut down as officers are gathering evidence.
We will have an update Monday on this investigation.

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Whoever was in that car has a guardian angel looking after them
Yes both he and she does! A male and Female was in the car and only the male got grazed! I’m at the same hospital they brought him too. He was in and out in 45 minutes
My good friend…hes a really good dude with his lady and their kid. I hope the find whoever’s the jackass was and hammer him with attempted murder on all 3 accounts
Definitely a random act! My brother goes nowhere but work, church, & Home! He was actually just leaving my grandmas from watching the Super Bowl with our family!
So what happened? Was this a random act, or did they know each other?
What about the baby
I was literally right behind them when this happened. Approx 735 to 740. I heard a loud noise and thought I had a blow out. I saw a vehicle swear and make a quick exit onto the 15th/169th street exit. Maybe you can capture something on the camera that is located at the light on 169th. I wish I would have been aware of what was actually happening as I would be able to give more information and maybe catch the offenders
That was my car, is it possible for you to contact me
Tina, could you text me. 219-213-5128
Thank you all. Yes the family is okay. My cousin and his daughter and finance are doing okay. My cousin got grazed by a bullet.
That’s sad the city has yet to grow I hvnt been bck in@ LEAST 15 18 YRS and since the projects frm Chicago mved there seems worse I feel for ALL who gotta lve there mof (not 2 b rude ANYWHERE IN INDIANA)
People did not relocate from the projects from Chicago to Indiana. They were moved to parts of the south suburbs of chicago In Illinois. And for the record this area is not a bad area. Cline ave ends now in east chicago Indiana. I really don’t think you know what you are even talking about
He does know what hes talking about. They moved them to Portage Indiana and its done nothing but get worse everywhere. To say its not a bad area is funny..wake up! People shot all the time on the expressway..not bad lol