Man Found In Truck After Crashing Last Wednesday On I-94

Around 3:30 PM, Tuesday, two local fishermen were scouting new spots to fish when they came across a crashed pick up truck laying partially in Salt Creek under an I-94 overpass near Portage at the 19 MM.

The two men immediately went to the vehicle and found one male occupant inside of it. The fisherman touched the male thinking he may have been deceased but to his shock he moved. The driver of the crashed car turned his head and let out a huge sigh of relief before relaying to the fishermen that he had crashed last week on Wednesday. The driver could not reach for his cell phone to call for help because he was pinned in the driver seat of the mangled pick up truck. The fisherman immediately called 911 in which multiple fire departments and police departments responded quickly to. The driver still communicating with the fishermen said he tried yelling for help but it was total silence besides the rushing water.

It took quite a bit of time to extricate the man due to the damage of the truck and his injuries. The steep embankment of the creek and rocky terrain near the truck also complicated the rescue. The vehicle could not be seen from atop the bridge or down the creek where other fishermen were fishing. The man was flown to a South Bend Hospital by Lutheran Air. The man’s injuries are described as severe and possibly life threatening, according to Sgt. Glen Fifield of The Indiana State Police.

The investigation into the accident is ongoing as the first priority tonight was to get this man treatment immediately. The fair weather over Christmas week more than likely played a huge role in surviving for 6 days, Sgt. Fifield said. The fishermen and Sgt. Fifield believe the man would not have survived one more day if he was not found tonight.

It’s believed the pick up truck was going westbound when it veered off the highway for unknown reasons just missing the beginning of the guardrail for the Salt Creek bridge. The truck went through the grass down the embankment before rolling numerous times and coming to a stop partially in the rushing water of Salt Creek.

More interviews into the investigation will be done when the driver is stabilized at the hospital.

UPDATE – Indiana State Police have confirmed the driver now identified as Matt Reum, 27, who currently resides in Mishawaka, IN was the sole occupant of the pick up truck that veered off I-94 in Portage. It’s believed at this time he crashed in middle of the night with no other traffic around. He is a graduate of Ivy Tech and a Local 374 Boilermaker that travels often for work.

He is currently in serious condition in ICU at a South Bend Hospital. Family has been notified and are at the hospital currently we are told.

Photo – Timeless Aerial Photography

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