Bullet Strikes The 3rd Floor Of St. Catherine’s Hospital
Around midnight Monday night, East Chicago Police responded to shots fired near the 3800 block of Elm Street according to Deputy Chief Jose Rivera. One of those rounds fired is believed to have hit a 3rd floor window and entered a room at St. Catherine’s Hospital. There were no injuries but hospital staff did find bullet fragments in a room, according to a witness in the hospital. St. Catherine Hospital is approximately 5 blocks away from the reported shots fired call.
Over the last two months violence has spiked in East Chicago with 4 homicides this year. With community buildings closed, beaches closed, schools closed and all around social distancing due to COVID-19 many youths are acting out. Another contributing factor is believed to be the release of inmates and juvenile delinquents due to Covid-19 concerns in the jails. The jails themselves are not accepting certain prisoners at the moment either, according to Rivera. This is all a recipe for violence during the summer months.
If anyone has any information in regards to this shooting please contact the anonymous tip line at 219-391-8500 or send a message to The East Chicago Police Facebook page.