Chanukah Celebration In Munster Sunday

Munster, IN 

Sunday night at 6:30 The Chabad of Northwest Indiana held an outdoor Menorah lighting at the Chabad for the final night of Chanukah,  located at 1113 Ridge Road in Munster. With so many people away on winter break and other plans The Chabad of Northwest Indiana planned on not holding the event until they heard of yesterday’s incident in New York which made tonight’s celebration a little more than just Chanukah.

The recent events in New York, where Jews were attacked by a machete wielding assailant for no reason other than their religion was brought to light in the area. The suspect stabbed multiple people at Chanukah party and is now in custody facing numerous charges. Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov told Region News, “The only way to fight the darkness is with light.” Using the candles on the giant Menorah displayed on Ridge Road light was brought for all to see. Zalmanov stated in a speech tonight,  “To not fear the evil, but bring light to the darkness surrounding it.” “Transfer the darkness of the world to light.” 

The gathering was also a little more special tonight because of a stop by the “Chanukah RV” which is currently making its way across the country to share the light and joy of Chanukah with everyone.  The RV is making a trip from California to New York by the end of the week.

Rabbi Zalmanov said, around 50 people, including a Munster Police presence were there Sunday to celebrate and bring light to this all. State Representative Mara Candelaria Reardon was also in attendance tonight for the same reasons of bringing light to the darkness. “The celebration and solidarity exhibited this evening by our Munster community was inspiring. In the face of discrimination, intolerance and heinous acts of violence the Jewish people continue to exhibit their resiliency, pride, faith and humanity,” Candelaria told Region News.

Munster Police Officer Hernandez
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