Crown Point Man out on Bond in 4 Pending Cases Now Charged with Rape

On February 21, 2025, the Crown Point Police Department responded to Franciscan Health Crown Point Hospital for the report of a sexual offense. Officers met with the victim, who advised that she had been with her friend and her friend’s boyfriend. The friend’s boyfriend was identified as Noah Villarreal. Villarreal had been dating the victim’s friend for approximately 5 years. The group had gone out together. The victim fell asleep in the car on the way back to Villarreal’s home. Upon arriving at his home, the victim went upstairs to Villarreal’s bedroom and went to sleep. Villarreal and his girlfriend went to a different room located on the main level of the house. The victim woke up around 8 AM to Villarreal having intercourse with her, without her knowledge or consent. The victim pushed Villarreal off of her and called her mother to come pick her up. After telling her mother what had happened, the victim’s mother then took her to the hospital.

On March 18, 2025, Noah Villarreal was charged with:

Rape: Level 3 Felony

RNS has covered prior charges for Villarreal. On March 17, 2024, RNS reported on an armed robbery during a DoorDash delivery in Cedar Lake, in which Villarreal was charged with Armed Robbery, a Level 3 Felony. This matter is still pending and Villarreal is currently out on bond in this case.

On April 25, 2024, RNS also reported that Villarreal had been charged with 2 counts of Child Solicitation: Level 5 Felonies, Sexual Battery: Level 6 Felony, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor: Class A Misdemeanor, and Battery: Class B Misdemeanor, over allegations involving a 13 year old girl. This matter is also still pending, and Villarreal is currently out on bond in this case as well.

Additionally, RNS has learned that Villarreal is out on bond in 2 other matters as follows:
Trespass: Class A Misdemeanor pending in Crown Point City Court, Theft: Level 6 Felony, Domestic Battery: Class A Misdemeanor, and Resisting Law Enforcement: Class A Misdemeanor pending in Lake Superior Court

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