Dog Found Chained To Pole In Front of Humane Society
Around 8:15pm Thursday night local Tow Truck driver and animal lover, Geoff Botman got a text from a friend about a dog seen chained up to a sign in front of the Humane Society in Gary at 6100 Melton Road. Botman sprang into action and went to go check on the dog. He arrived and found a very friendly but malnourished dog tied to the Humane Society sign with a heavy chain sitting in the cold wet weather starving. He gave the dog his cheeseburger and was able to get the dog in his truck as he was LIVE on social media. Botman says this is nothing new to him as he has been helping stray dogs through out the area for years now. Botman said he has been rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming dogs that have been left abandoned in Gary. Currently Botman has a few kennels at his home and provides them any medical treatment they may need out of pocket. He’s hoping to start his own rescue soon.
Anyone with any information on this dog or the individuals involved in abandoning this dog is asked to call the Gary Police or Animal Control.