Expect Huge Spike In Positive COVID-19 Cases This Week Due To Privatization
The White House has empowered states to authorize tests developed in their state. And we are working with the private sector to rapidly expand testing capacity. We have literally rebuilt that whole system. It was an obsolete system, and it’s been rebuilt.
Dr. Deborah Birx of The White House Corona Task Force Team cleared up information regarding the low number of test results coming back. Birx stated the platforms that were currently being used the last month could only process 4-12 tests per platform each day. That created a backlog of people waiting results from 2-7 days. Now that The White House has brought the private sector to the table we can now basically run tens of thousands of tests a day,” Birx said. Thermo Fisher will be putting out of millions of tests this week, she stated. This will dramatically increase the numbers of positive cases over the next week. A lot of people will be alarmed with this huge spike in numbers but note this is 5-6 days of backlog tests being run in 24-48 hours. These numbers will also show the reason we have stressed social distance assuming many more already had the virus, some with no symptoms. “So the curves will not be stable till some time next week,” Birx stated.
Can only hope that the mainstream media, and local outlets make sure to point this out, and point out the facts before there’s another panic rush. People are already on edge now as is.
If you like small government you need to work hard at having a strong national defense that is not so militant. Personal liberty is the purpose of government, to protect liberty – not to run your personal life, not to run the economy, and not to pretend that we can tell the world how they ought to live. — Ron Paul