Freight Train Derails Near Mill In Gary
Sunday night shortly before 10 PM, a Norfolk Southern train carrying tanker cars of what is believed to be holding Ethanol derailed in Gary between the mills and Buffington Harbor. (430 N Clark Road) This area of tracks is known as Pine Junction, according to radio traffic.

Approximately 8-10 tanker cars came off the tracks for an unknown reason. At this time at least one of those tankers was leaking Ethanol. Gary Fire Department is on standby at the scene and an outside hazmat team was called in to clean up around 2:30 AM. A transfer of materials from those tankers and into other tanks is currently being handled. Equipment to clean up the derailed cars is enroute.
There is no threat to the area at this time however local train traffic in that area has been stopped including Amtrak train 355 which was stopped at Michigan City. Those passengers will be bussed to Union Station.