Gary Mask Ordinance Overview & Enforcement
Gary Mayor Jerome Prince thanked the Gary Common Council for unanimously approving an ordinance that goes into effect Friday July 24th requiring face coverings under specific circumstances in the City of Gary. “As we continue to fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our city, it’s important all community leaders work together to protect our families, friends and neighbors, Prince said Tuesday night. Gary totals 970 COVID-19 cases with 12 new cases today and 1 new death bringing the death total in Gary to 60.
The Following is an overview of the terms of the ordinance:
• Masks or face coverings must cover all of the nose and mouth;
• They must be worn by all employees, customers and visitors inside each business or any other indoor public space at all times where social distancing (at least six-feet apart) cannot be maintained;
• There are exceptions, including work places, such as manufacturing sites, warehouses and other work locations where social distancing can be maintained; persons that cannot remove a mask without assistance such as children under two years of age and certain medical conditions;
• The Gary Health Department, the Gary Police Department and City Code Enforcement inspectors may enforce the ordinance;
• Gary police officers can remove people from city-owned properties for failure to comply with the ordinance;
• Owners/managers of public spaces and establishments can expel people for not complying with the ordinance;
• Owners/managers of public spaces/establishments must post signs notifying the public of the face coverings requirement;
• The ordinance will be in effect as of Friday July 24, 2020 and will remain in effect until the ordinance is repealed by the Common Council.
Several City Government buildings are providing masks to visitors. However, the city strongly encourages everyone to bring their own face coverings to help protect the supply of masks being provided for those that need masks.
These clearly are exceptional times. Our community leaders have formed a common front against the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and we continue to call on all community members to help us fight this public health threat.
The fines are regulated under Sec. 1-7(c) of the Gary City Code which states:
(1) A person convicted of a violation of this Code shall be punished by a fine of not more than $2,500.00 for a first offense and a fine not to exceed $7,500.00 for a second or subsequent offense, unless the violation is of an ordinance that regulates traffic or parking. In such cases, the fine may not exceed the sum of $2,500.00.
(2) With respect to violations of this Code that are continuous with respect to time, each day that the violation continues is a separate offense.
(3) With respect to violations of this Code that are not continuous with respect to time, each violation is a separate offense.
· Under the Face Coverings Ordinance, a business that is found liable on more than one occasion may have its business license revoked by the Zoning Administrator.