Gary’s Positive Cases Rise Double Digit’s Two Consecutive Days
Gary has seen the second consecutive day of double-digit increases in new COVID-19 positive cases, according to Gary Mayor Jerome Prince. “I’m very concerned by these increases,” Prince said. “Clearly, our fight against the spread of the COVID-19 virus is not over. In just two days, we have reported more than 25 new cases,” Prince stated. Gary is reporting 455 positive cases and 15 deaths as of Tuesday. Lake County’s total sits at 2,161 and 103 deaths as of Tuesday.
Prince states, “We must remain vigilant. We must continue to practice good social distancing. We must continue to keep our travels to work and essential business only.” “My administration continues to work on a plan to reopen Gary for a variety of activities in a cautious, deliberate way,” Prince said. “If we see our rate of COVID-19 infections continue to rise by double digits on a daily basis, I reserve the right to scale back our reopening,“ Prince emphasized.
Mayor Prince addressed Religious Services & Funerals as well Tuesday. “Many of us look forward to returning to services at our houses of worship, but the COVID-19 virus remains a very serious threat to our community,” Prince said. In the five-stage plan to get Indiana back on track, Gov. Holcomb begins by maintaining restrictions on Lake, Marion and Cass Counties for one more week. The Governor also stressed each municipality can make its own plans more restrictive than state plans, if that is what is in the best interests of the communities.
Prince is calling for all houses of worship to continue to use on-line, virtual and drive-in services for one more week. Please do not hold in-person services until the weekend of May 15th.
Funeral homes and houses of worship should not open funeral services to the public until after May 15th. They should continue to provide on-line ceremonies and limit attendees in their buildings to no more than 10 people until May 15th. Other ceremonies, such as weddings and baptisms, also should wait until after May 15th or limit their gatherings to no more than 10 people.
Faith leaders can go to coronavirus.in.gov. Scroll down to “Recent Public Updates” and choose “Guidance and Recommendations for Places of Worship” for detailed tips on how to carry out your services beginning the weekend of May 15.