Hammond Church Violating Governor’s Shelter In Place Order Sunday Mayor Said
At 9:50am on Sunday, April 5th, 2020 The Hammond Police responded to The Church of Christ, located at 169th & Leland St. in Hammond for a church conducting service in violation of Governor Holcomb’s Executive Order, Case # 20H20462, Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott said on a social media post Sunday.
A Church Holding Service is a violation of the Governor’s Shelter in Place Order, McDermott stated. Hammond Police were called & two officers responded, McDermott said. Thirty plus members were worshiping in the small church. Some parishioners wore masks, some in the audience had no masks, McDermott stated. Many more parishioners were pulling up in the parking lot as the two officers were there.
The Police Officers advised the Elders of the Governors Order & asked if they would disperse the congregation in order to comply with the Shelter in Place directive. The Church Elders refused, stating their worship was “essential” under the Governor’s Order. The HPD Officers then asked for the Elders’ identification cards & added their info to a citation for violating the Governor’s Shelter in Place Order.
The HPD Officers left the service after issuing the ticket to them, and the service continued as more people walked into the church, McDermott said Sunday. McDermott said, “I wanted to show everyone the issues our officers are dealing with, trying to enforce our Governor’s Shelter In Place Order.” “Even from people (like church Pastors) who should know better than to allow large congregations like this,” McDermott stated.
Why didnt every person in the church get a citation?
This is where the Governor needs to step in and Back the Blue !!!!
Fine Them All
We’re going into uncharted waters where people’s freedom to assemble is opposing the government’s responsibility to protect the people.
This is ridiculous, our faith is in God he will choose what happens to us regardless of whatever precautions there state says. The state does not trump God plain and simple.
So, issue a ticket but let them continue with the service…SMDH! How many of these people left church and went grocery shopping while they were away from home, or stopped to get gas…this is how this virus spreads. Bottom line for those who have faith in the Lord is that you “DO NOT” need a church to pray! Absolutely Rediculous to let them continue with their mass!!!
There is no provision in the Constitution for the suspension of basic RIGHTS in any emergency. It is not the duty of the people to obey government, it is the duty of government to obey the Constitution. NO EXCEPTIONS PERMITTED.
People, there is no greater RIGHT than the Right to peaceably assemble, PARTICULARLY FOR WORSHIP. When 30-40 people cram into the Press Room at the White House, NONE wearing masks or gloves, and are there for HOURS, how is that kind of assembly more protected than churchgoers maintaining social distancing and using every germ-fighting tool that you would see in a hospital ICU?
The government has basically shredded the Bill of Rights in the name of an over-hyped manufactured panic for a virus that has a 99.5% survival rate. If you yellowbellies won’t stand up to this tyranny, then you fully and richly deserve getting bent by your masters and violated from behind. Enjoy licking government shoe polish and begging for your communist bread line vouchers and universal basic income direct-deposited into your Mark-of-the-Beast banking account.
Do what you will, but I will live free regardless of the pronouncements of ANY tyrant, from ANY capitol, over what they THINK people ought to do. And if they wanna pick a fight with me over it, Let me offer a piece of advice: Send young bachelors, heavily armed, with an equal supply of body bags. Because I WILL NOT COMPLY!!
Unconstitutional. First Amendment. Separation of Church and State. Hope the church sue’s the pants off the Town. The government has no right to order the church to do anything. Learn the law before enforcing unjust ones. Look forward to the lawsuit.
There’s a little thing called the constitution in which it states “ separation of church and state”. The church asks for nothing from the state and in return the state gives nothing to the church, they are self sufficient and self supported so if they want to worship at church that’s their God and country given right to do so and if they get or give this Chinese BS then the higher power that is God will either protect them or bring them home to him. We all are gonna die and if it’s the virus that’s our destiny then no hiding is gonna stop it. We all still go to the store, Home Depot and other places so what’s the difference in 100 people in a Kroger’s or 100 people in a church worshipping God? Get things right people.