Hammond Police Issue Church Citation For Violation of Order 20-08
On Sunday, April 5th, at approximately 10:00 a.m., Hammond police were dispatched to a church in the 2200 block of 169th street in reference to a gathering taking place, Lt Steve Kellogg of The Hammond Police stated. Officers arrived and found that the church was holding a service with over 10 people which is a violation of Governor Holcomb’s Order.
Approximately 30 people were in attendance with more arriving with officers present, Kellogg said. The church elders were located and advised that the gathering was in violation of the Indiana Governor’s Executive Order 20-08 which follows the CDC recommendations that no gathering shall take place with attendance greater than ten people. Officers asked church elders to disperse the service and they refused. A citation for violation of the Governor’s Executive Order was generated, Kellogg said. Additional information will be forwarded to the Indiana State Police for a follow-up investigation.
Hammond police would like to ask all community members, businesses, churches, and other establishments, to please adhere to Governor Holcomb’s Executive Order. The Police Department will enforce the order if necessary, but is seeking compliance so that together, we will all do our duty to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott said in a post Sunday, “I wanted to show everyone the issues our officers are dealing with, trying to enforce our Governor’s Shelter In Place Order.” “Even from people (like church Pastors) who should know better than to allow large congregations like this,” McDermott stated.
Baby, a church is just a building. I’ve been working about 10 hours a day in Jesus name here at home.
The church is not afraid to congregate its listening and doing things without the building more than ever. I believe the Lord would not want us to break the laws and think if ourselves but to reconnect with our families again see what’s important.
Look to him for answers and I think more people are slowing down and realizing Jesus is Lord ! So unless they had a big healing service and people walked out healed, I’m not sure I agree with this. Otherwise they’re putting people in danger. We should be good examples not bad ones.
So if your reading this anyone who doesn’t know the Lord he’s faithful and true! He wants you to sit down repent and know Jesus is Lord.
I love you Jess! I love when we age to disagree and still are together as one as a family.
Indiana State Constitution
Section 2. Right to worship
Section 2. All people shall be secured in the natural right to worship ALMIGHTY GOD, according to the dictates of their own consciences.
Section 31. Right of assemblage and petition
Section 31. (NO LAW SHALL RESTRAIN) any of the inhabitants of the State from assembling together in a peaceable manner, to consult for their common good; nor from instructing their representatives; nor from applying to the General Assembly for redress of grievances.
Mayor McDermott the church understands the Governor’s order but also believes that GOD is in charge and they still have a Constitutionally protected right to worship and assemble in peace.