Lake County 911 Begins Screening Calls For COVID-19 Risks

In response to growing public health concerns, Lake County 911 will immediately begin screening emergency medical calls for COVID-19 risk factors. The questions, which will not delay dispatch, provide emergency responders with additional patient information prior to their arrival at the scene. The enhanced caller screening coincides with Indiana Department of Homeland Security and Indiana State Department of Health recommendations.

First responders will have early access to key indicators of Coronavirus risks and be better able to reduce unnecessary exposures. β€œThis effort is made in cooperation with Fire and EMS departments throughout Lake County and is focused on keeping our responders safe during this epidemic without reducing service to our residents,” said Executive Director Mark Swiderski.

Public Information Officer Ryan Cusack said, β€œOnce the emergency crews have been dispatched, callers can expect to be asked questions about recent travel and respiratory illness symptoms such as a fever, cough, or breathing difficulty.” He added, β€œ911 should not be called for Coronavirus concerns unless life-threatening symptoms exist, such as respiratory distress. β€œ

Residents with questions about COVID-19 should seek information from the Indiana State Department of Health ( or the CDC (

β€œIf you are worried you’ve been exposed to Coronavirus, or that you’ve been infected, call the State Department of Health Hotline at 317-233-7125, or call your family physician,” said Cusack.

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