Master Trooper Fifield Promoted To Sergeant and Lowell District PIO
Indiana State Police Superintendent Douglas Carter recently announced the promotion of Master Trooper Glen Fifield to the rank of sergeant to serve as the Public Information Officer for the Lowell Post. Sgt. Fifield earned this promotion through written testing and a competitive interview process.
Fifield graduated from Washington Township High School in Valparaiso, IN and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Indiana University. Sgt. Fifield graduated from the 55th Indiana State Police Recruit Academy in 1997 where he was assigned to the Toll Road Post before eventually transferring to the Lowell Post.
During his tenure with the department Fifield has been responsible for 700 OWI arrests and been an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations, RADAR/VASCAR instructor, Field Training Officer, an instructor for the Below 100 Initiative, and assigned to the High Performance Vehicle patrol where he patrolled in a Ford Mustang.
Fifield currently resides in Porter County with his wife, Lenora. He has two daughters and a stepdaughter.