New Calumet City Library Director Named
The Library Board of Trustees for the Calumet City Public Library is pleased to announce Jennifer Hovanec has been named the new director.
Hovanec assumed her role on December 7. She hopes to use her role as director to help the Calumet City Public Library grow and expand its relationship with the community.
Board President Dianne Nichols believes Hovanec will be a good director for the library.
“I am excited to welcome Jennifer Hovanec as the Library Director. Jennifer’s enthusiasm, knowledge and vision will be a great asset to the Calumet City Library.” Nichols said.
From Villa Park, Illinois, Hovanec comes from the Indian Trails Public Library in Wheeling, Illinois where she worked since 2014. Her most recent role was the Digital & Maker Services Manager, overseeing The Launch Pad and Digital Media Labs that provided multigenerational creative services.
After pursuing a Bachelor of English Language and Literature, Secondary Education from Benedictine University, she worked as an adjunct instructor at Moraine Valley Community College. It was during this time she decided to pursue a career in libraries upon reflecting on her next career steps and the positive experience she had working at the Frankfort Public Library during high school.
Hovanec earned her Master of Library and Information Science in 2011 from Dominican University. Her career in libraries started in 2009 and she has served various roles in youth services, adult services and technology.
She was drawn to the Calumet City Public Library role because she was impressed at the library staff’s efforts to stay open during the pandemic and sees the potential in Calumet City as a municipality.
“When I had the opportunity to tour the library and meet staff, I had a great feeling from everyone,” Hovanec said. “I could feel the staff warmth and that they were interested in giving to the community.”
Once she is able to spend time getting to know staff and each department, Hovanec hopes to begin creating a strategic plan for the library in January that will lead library progress and development for the next few years. While looking to the future, Hovanec also hopes to maintain positive relationships with the community and surrounding libraries that will foster innovative partnerships at the Calumet City Public Library.
After speaking with Mayor Michelle Qualkinbush and the Library Board of Trustees, Hovanec was able to see they have aligning hopes for the future of both the library and the city.
“The city has a strong past with an established history and these things appeal to both them and me. They like progress and so do I, so I think it will be a good fit.” Hovanec said.
She believes leadership does not come with a title, degree or experience and can be recognized in anyone. Hovanec hopes to foster an environment among the Calumet City Public Library staff where people know this and anybody interested in being a leader can feel comfortable in sharing ideas and grow as a person.
Her favorite aspect about working in libraries is the little moments where hard work and serving the community pays off in seeing joy and interactions among patrons.
“I want to be able to provide connection where it does not exist in other ways,” Hovanec said.
Former director Jane Rowland retired in August after almost eight years in the role.