Region Departments Helping Kids Celebrate Birthdays With Personal Parades
While the Region remains on Stay At Home Orders it’s likely you may have seen or heard a parade come through your local neighborhood. Multiple Police & Fire Departments across the area are helping kids celebrate their birthdays during these crazy times by doing a drive by parade. RNS reached out to 4 area departments to hear about the process.
The Munster Police & Fire Department started doing Birthday Parades for kids 12 & under a little under a month ago to try to spread some cheer to local kids. Munster Fire Chief Dave Pelc told RNS they have done 21 parades to date with at least 20 more scheduled this month. Pelc said, “I am very happy that we are able to work with the Police Department to see the smiles on the kids faces and the joy that the parents and kids are having as we go by during these difficult times.”
In Dyer the Police Department has done around 8 parades with around a dozen more scheduled, Police Chief David Hein said. “During these stay at home conditions the parades mean a lot to families,” Hein said. This all occurring after Dyer Police drove the Easter Bunny around for 9 hours down every street in town. “When we drove the Easter Bunny around the amount of happiness that we saw was priceless,” Hein told RNS. “We had grandparents simply say Thank you with tears in their eyes and kids were jumping up and down on the porch.” “If we can deliver a glimmer of hope that someday we will be back to normal than is all worth it,” Hein said.

The parents of the kids have said this means so much for the towns to be proactive and make these kids days in these times. In Munster Anne Spike said, “It made our family feel even more connected to such a great community of folks.” Jesse “Redbeard” Oliver of Calumet Harley Davidson also had a parade through Munster for his son which included Police, Fire, Family, and friends. “It was very kind of them to start doing this for our residents and children in Munster during these social distancing times we have going on,” Oliver told RNS. “I’m sure it makes the kids day and definitely memorable, he will now remember his 5th birthday as having a special parade instead of not spending it personally with friends and family,” Oliver said.

In Highland the Police, Fire, Superior Ambulance and Berts Towing out of Hammond also joined into the parades for their local kids. Commander John Banasiak of the Highland Police estimate they have done around 19 special birthday parades since they started last week. “Our officers and myself really enjoy doing these birthday parades,” Banasiak said. “We feel it is the least we can do for the kids who can’t have a traditional kid’s birthday party because of the COVID-19 Virus and needed social distancing right now.” “It seems to be a big hit and is really appreciated by the kids and their families,” Banasiak said.

If you are interested in setting up a parade for a child’s birthday here are some local departments numbers and information on how to get it done. Most cities are doing this for kids 12 & under with exceptions for those with special needs. Departments are asking that you reach out at least 3 days in advance so they can plan and have the staff available. This is not always a guarantee depending on the call volume but they will definitely try their best to make it happen.
In Highland contact Commander John Banasiak at jbanasiak@highland.in.gov or phone at 219-237-5554
In Munster you can contact James Ghrist at jghrist@munster.org
In Dyer people can call 219-865-1163 during the day and make arrangements with Ofc. Kissinger or dyerfireparade@gmail.com or call 219-865-4226
In Schererville you can contact the Fire Department at 219-322-2599
All other cities in the area contact your local PD & FD and ask if they are offering these special services in your area.