Suspects In Thefts From Vehicles Caught On Camera
On January 31, 2020 at about 2:00 am, St. John Police responded to a complaint of theft from motor vehicle in the 9500 Block of W. 95th Place. The complainant came out of his home and saw three to four males dressed in hooded jackets in his neighbor’s car and on his neighbors’ driveway. When the males saw the complainant, they fled the area in a dark colored 4dr sedan. The complainant checked his unlocked vehicle and found that his cell phone was missing.
Officers also met with the neighbor in the 9600 Block of W. 95th Place, who reported that his vehicle was entered but nothing appeared to be missing. The neighbor provided video footage in which it appears that one of the suspects was armed with a handgun.
While officers were checking the area for the suspect vehicle, they learned that a vehicle matching the description had just been reported in Schererville, where a vehicle pursuit was initiated. The pursuit was later terminated in in Chicago, and the suspects remain at large.
The photos attached were provided by the neighbor. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Widen at the St. John Police Department.
Residents are reminded to report any all suspicious activity to the police and to make sure that unattended vehicles are never left unlocked.

The offenders fled to Chicago! Surprise, surprise. If only Kim Foxx, the Cook County States Attorney would charge and prosecute the county’s criminals, we wouldn’t have these crimes occurring in Lake County Indiana. So, Lake County has to do her job for her. Chicago P. D. was not allowed to assist in the pursuit already in progress by the Schererville P. D. hence Schererville discontinued the pursuit. The C. P. D. doesn’t allow its officer to pursue its own criminals, much less criminals from not just another county, another state. Thank you to the Schererville P. D. For chasing these criminals back to where they came from.