Thornton Township HS District Had Covid-19 Case In Building
The Illinois Department of Public Health has informed the Thornton Township School District that on March 4th, a Thornwood High School student’s parent, who has tested positive for COVID-19. The parent visited the school for a meeting with staff during that time, according to officials. The school is in the process of gathering all information regarding what actions that parent took when inside the building.
For the safety of everyone involved, Thornwood High School will now be closed Monday March 16, 2020. The District’s other buildings will operate as normally, Thornton Township High School and Thornridge High School. However, the State wide school closure goes into effect Tuesday. Governor Pritzker is hoping this will prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Earlier today it was reported that Illinois has reached 66 confirmed coronavirus cases, 40 of those cases are in Cook County.
Illinois and Indiana Governors are currently doing everything they can to slow the spread of this virus. From closing schools to Navy Pier to casinos, the spread of this virus depends on eliminating social gatherings.