911 Callers Report Drunk Driver
On May 5th at approximately 2:45 p.m., the Lowell Regional Dispatch Center began to receive 911 calls about a possible impaired driver on I-80/94 east bound near Broadway. The vehicle was reported to be a white Chevrolet and the callers were able to give the license plate information to the dispatcher. The vehicle was reported to have been driving erratically and had damage to the driver’s side. The callers continued to update the vehicle’s location as it exited onto south bound I-65. Trooper Kenneth Payonk was able to locate the vehicle and observed the damage and license plate as the callers described. Trooper Payonk also observed the vehicle traveling at 20-25 mph on the interstate. The posted speed limit is 55 mph. The vehicle was also observed weaving and driving off the roadway onto the right shoulder. Troopers Payonk and Hamed were able to stop the vehicle near the 258 mile-marker. Several open containers of alcoholic beverages were visible on the passenger seat of the vehicle. Further investigation lead the officers to believe that there was probable cause to administer field sobriety tests to the driver. The driver failed the field sobriety tests and was then transported to the South Lake Methodist Hospital where he consented to a blood draw. The results of that chemical test for intoxication are pending. The driver was then transported to the Lake County Jail for processing.
At the time of the traffic stop, there were three juvenile children in the vehicle. Those children were released to their mother at the conclusion of the traffic stop. A search of the vehicle also resulted in the discovery of several baggies of what is believed to be a controlled substance.
Arrested: Marchen Willis, 32, from Chicago, IL
- Operating While Intoxicated with a Passenger Under the Age of 18 (Felony 6)
- Possession of a Controlled Substance with Enhancing Circumstances (Felony 6)
- Neglect of a Dependent (Felony 6)
- Dealing Marijuana (Misdemeanor A)
- Operating While Intoxicated Endangerment (Misdemeanor A)
- Operating While Intoxicated (Misdemeanor C)
- Possession of Paraphernalia (Misdemeanor C)