Crown Points Albino Deer Euthanized
Around 4:20 PM, Monday, March 25, the Crown Point Police Department responded to an accident involving “Snow,” the white deer in the 400 block of South Main Street, according to Crown Point Police.
Staff with a rehabilitation center attempted to locate her today after she ran from the crash yesterday. All responding agencies, including the DNR and Crown Point Police Department, recommended the public avoid making contact with Snow.

This evening Conservation Officers were successful in locating Snow and were able to perform an in the field x-ray to determine the extent of the injury to the deers leg with the assistance of a Veterinarian. The x-ray showed a severe break to the leg. Surgery was not an option and Snow would have not survived, according to Conservation Officers. Officers decided to euthanize Snow as a better option than her suffering or dealing with coyotes.
Veterinarian Kate Hodson donated her time, medications, trailer and portable X-ray, and Jasper County Animal Control assisted with equipment to try to help save Snow.
“We will miss seeing Snow around Crown Point and the joy she brought to our community. Thank you to the veterinarian and Jasper County officials who kindly donated their resources to try to help Snow.”
📷- Rhonda & X Ray of the leg