District 10 Names Conservation Officer of the Year
Indiana Conservation Officer Tyler Brock, who serves Porter County, has been selected as the 2019 District 10 Indiana Conservation Officer of the Year. He has served as a conservation officer for eight years.
In addition to his patrol duties, Brock also serves as a public information officer, field training officer and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operator.
District 10 covers LaPorte, Jasper, Lake, Newton, Porter, Pulaski and Starke counties.
The district award puts Brock in the running for the Pitzer Award, which is given to the top overall conservation officer in the state of Indiana and selected from the 10 district award winners.
The Pitzer Award is named after Indiana Conservation Officer James D. Pitzer, who was fatally shot while investigating illegal hunting activity on Jan. 1, 1961 in Jay County
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