Father Pulls 4 Children From Hobart House Fire
Around 8:50 PM, Sunday, Hobart Fire Department was dispatched to the 300 block of N Wabash for a structure fire.
The reporting party of this call stated multiple children were inside the home and flames were visible near the rear of the home spreading quickly.

The father was out front of the home while the children were inside when he noticed fire coming from the back of the home, according to fire officials. The father acted quickly after noticing smoke and was able to save the 4 children before the fire overcame the entire home. He suffered some minor smoke inhalation and passed out twice during the rescues but is expected to be fine. A family dog did not survive however.
The family does have a place to stay at this time, according to Hobart Fire Officials. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Assisting on scene was Portage, Lake Station, and Gary Fire Departments.