HAMMOND- Local firefighters wore new t-shirts while on active duty during the month of October, raising awareness and $1,500 in funding for the Cancer Resource Centre in Munster. The goal of the new shirts was to, in part, honor the memory of a fireman’s sister, Amanda Repay, who lost her battle to breast cancer last February as well as raise funding for cancer care close to home.
Proceeds from the Hammond department’s fundraising efforts benefit the Cancer Resource Centre in Munster. The resource center is a program of the Community Cancer Research Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of cancer care in northwest Indiana and the south Chicago suburbs. Since first opening its doors in 2003, the Cancer Resource Centre has offered all of its services free of charge to all who enter, including those receiving care from medical treatment facilities other than the hospitals of Community Healthcare System. The Centre is funded from donations and grants, in-kind donations and volunteer support.
Individuals may check out books, view videotapes and other educational material within the library or conduct internet searches to obtain research concerning diagnosis, treatment and general information. Groups gather to share experiences in social and professionally-led groups for support. Classes and programs are offered to help individuals connect in their experiences and to promote emotional wellbeing.
The Cancer Resource Centre is located at 926 Ridge Road in Munster. For more information on the mind-body-spirit programs and a complete listing of upcoming classes and events, visit cancerresourcecentre.com or call 219-836-3349.