Holcomb Signs Executive Order Making Masks Required Monday
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb announced Wednesday during his press conference he will be signing an Executive Order directing all 92 counties of the state to wear face masks when social distancing can not be done. The Order will go into effect Monday, Holcomb stated. “The simple act of covering our faces as odd as it may feel can help us prevent the transmission of the virus,” Holcomb said.
The order applies to all over the age of 8 which includes schools third grade and above. Holcomb also recommended children ages 2-7 wear masks as well. The face masks must be worn over the mouth and nose. Enforcing this will be more on the citizens themselves instead of “Mask Police” patrolling the streets however a Class B Misdemeanor charge or fine up to $1000.00 could be used. Holcomb went on to say there will be exemptions to this of course, including health issues, exercising, and eating and drinking.