Lake County Enters Stage 2, What’s Open What’s Closed?
As we enter Stage 2 of the Governors Order let’s go over what’s open, what’s closed and what restrictions that are lifted. *Salons / Restaurants will open the second week of Stage 2 as listed below.
The City Of Gary however will remain one week behind from the rest of the Lake County before entering Stage 2. The City of Gary continues to operate under a Stay-At Home order issued by Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb. “As Mayor, I have the power and authority to extend the state’s Stay- At-Home order if the rate of COVID-19 continues to jeopardize the City of Gary,” Mayor Jerome Prince said Friday.
• Hoosiers 65 and over and those with high-risk health conditions should remain at home whenever possible. This is the population that is most vulnerable
to the coronavirus
• Recommend that residents wear face coverings in public settings. Residents also should continue to practice social distancing and good hygiene
• Social gatherings of 25 people may take
place following the CDC social distancing guidelines. The coronavirus is often spread among groups of people who are in close contact in a confined space for an extended period of time. This limit applies to such events as wedding receptions, birthday parties, and others where people are in close physical contact for extended periods of time
• Essential travel restrictions are lifted; local non-essential travel allowed
• Continue remote work whenever possible
• Religious services may convene inside places of worship. There are specific practices that should be considered
for in-person services that are driven by social distancing guidelines and protections for those 65 and older and individuals
with known high-risk medical conditions. Examples of services include weddings, funerals, and baptisms. See the Revised Guidance for Places of Worship for more complete details
• Manufacturers, industrial operations, and other infrastructure that has not been in operation may open following OSHA and CDC guidelines. General guidance for these industries may be found in this document
• About half of the state’s Bureau of Motor Vehicle branches will open with services by appointment only; the remainder of branches will continue to open over the next two weeks
• Public libraries may open according to their own policies and CDC guidelines
• County and local governments will make decisions based on their policies and CDC guidelines. Lake County Government Center is set to open May 18.
• Retail and commercial businesses,
including those that have been open for
the necessities of life during previous executive orders, may operate at 50% of capacity. Examples include apparel, furniture, jewelry, and liquor stores that have been operating as curbside or delivery only
• Shopping malls may open at 50% capacity with indoor common areas at 25% capacity
• Those who work in office settings are encouraged to continue to work remotely whenever possible but may return to offices in small waves
WHAT OPENS Week 2 May 18
These business sectors may open a week after the start of Stage 2
• Personal services, such as hair salons,
barber shops, nail salons, spas, and tattoo parlors. By appointment only with operational limitations. Employees must wear face coverings, work stations must be spaced to meet social distancing guidelines,
and other requirements must be met. Customers should wear face coverings
to the extent possible
• Restaurants and bars that serve food may open at 50% capacity with operational limitations. Bar seating will be closed with no live entertainment. Servers and kitchen staff must wear face coverings
• State government executive branch offices will begin limited public services, and employees will begin to return to offices
in small waves
• Boating is permitted, but boaters must follow social distancing guidelines
• Visitors to beaches and shorelines must
adhere to the social gathering policy and social distancing guidelines
• Individuals are not allowed to visit patients in assisted living/nursing home facilities
• Bars and nightclubs
• Gyms, fitness centers, community centers, and like facilities
• Cultural, entertainment, sports venues, and tourism. This includes museums, zoos, festivals, parades, concerts, fairs, sports arenas, movie theaters, bowling alleys, aquariums, theme parks, recreational sports leagues and tournaments, and like facilities
• Playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts, amusement parks whether indoors or outside, tourist sites, water parks, and social clubs
• Congregate settings for seniors, adult day cares remain closed through at least May 31
• Casino operations
• Community swimming pools, public and private • Residential and day camps
• Campgrounds, except for those living permanently in RVs or cabins
K-12 Educational Institutions
• All buildings, facilities, and grounds for
K-12 educational institutions, public or private, will remain closed through June 30, 2020, except for the purposes previously allowed in Executive Orders pertaining to this public health emergency.
• Educational institutions (including public and private pre-K-12 schools, colleges,
and universities) may be open for purposes of facilitating distance learning, performing critical research, or performing
essential functions, provided that social distancing of 6 feet per person is maintained to the greatest extent possible.
• Educational institutions that were previously closed and are reopening for these purposes must perform enhanced environmental cleaning of commonly touched surfaces, such as workstations, countertops, railings, door handles,
and doorknobs. Use the cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas and follow the directions on the label. Provide disposable wipes so commonly used surfaces can be wiped down by employees before each use.
• The Indiana Department of Education,
in consultation with the Indiana Department
of Health, shall develop guidance for graduation ceremonies, including virtual graduation, drive-in ceremonies, and in-person ceremonies with the number of participants limited to
the number allowed in the governor’s executive order and provided social distancing requirements are met.
Are DNR Gun Ranges going to reopen under what phase ?