Quick Acting Citizens and Police Save Man From Jumping
On June 30, 2020 approximately 6:04pm Gary Police Department, Indiana State Police, and IUN Police Officers responded to the area of 80/94 and Broadway on the overpass for reports of a black male possibly attempting to jump from the overpass onto the expressway, according to Lt. Dawn Westerfield of The Gary Police.
Upon officers arrival they located a group of citizens attempting to restrain the male from jumping and calming the man. One of the citizens a Minister who turned around to talk to the man told RNS, “At first the individual was very aggressive and wouldn’t say why he was there.” The Minister said he finally began to talk and that’s when officers arrived. Officers interceded and were able to subdue the male until the ambulance arrived. He was then escorted to the hospital to receive medical treatment by the Gary Fire Department, Westerfield told RNS.
The quick action of multiple departments and calm speaking of these witnesses likely prevented a tragedy Tuesday, not only for the male but for other drivers on 80/94 who would have had nothing to do with this incident.
A post on social media from another witness stated, “With all the racism going around and talk of bad cops there are good cops out here and this is a perfect example.” The post continued to say, “If this white officer was there to help this black gentleman can anyone explain all this hate out here.”