Three Armed Men Rob Hobart Speedway
An armed robbery occurred in Hobart at approximately 4:05 AM on February 3, 2020 at the Speedway Gas Station located off of 61st Avenue and I-65. Fortunately no one was injured. Anyone with information on the identity of the suspects please contact Detective Sergeant Houck at 219-942-4399 or by e-mail at shouck@cityofhobart.org
The suspect and vehicle description is as follows:
Suspect #1: Unknown Race; possibly right-hand dominate

Clothing Description: Dark colored style balaclava, gray parka style jacket, dark colored gloves, dark colored pants, dark colored shoes
Weapon: Appears to be semi-automatic handgun with a silver colored slide, but it may be a reflection of light of off the slide, because it appears to be a black colored slide in other photos
Suspect #2: Unknown race; appears to be light or brown skinned; possibly right-hand dominate

Clothing Description: Dark colored style balaclava, dark colored jacket with a silver or gray colored strip down the front zipper portion of the jacket, light blue colored gloves, possibly surgical gloves, dark colored pants and dark colored shoes
Weapon: Appears to be semi-automatic handgun with a silver colored slide, but it may be a reflection of light of off the slide, because it appears to be a black colored slide in other photos
Suspect #3: Unknown Race; possibly right-hand dominate
Clothing Description: Dark colored style balaclava, dark colored hooded sweatshirt with possible white colored draw strings, dark colored jeans, light blue colored gloves, possibly surgical gloves, light colored shoes and multi colored underwear with unknown designs

Weapon: Appears to be semi-automatic handgun with a silver colored slide, but it may be a reflection of light of off the slide, because it appears to be a black colored slide in other photos

Vehicle Description: Working on vehicle enhancements, but witnesses stated that the vehicle was a dark colored Nissan Pathfinder
All of the subjects had dark colored garbage bags. A suspect controls all of the customers and the other 2 suspects head directly behind the counter and start loading cigarettes into their bags and also take the money out of the register. Once all of the customers are gathered into one place, the 3rd suspect then also starts loading his bag with cigarettes.

Right down the road from black community,,Pants down below underwear, brown skin and yet ” race unknown”???
Move away!
It times to hire security!!! Having security there they would have probably look for some were else to go