Two Region Girls Blessing Police Officers With Medals
Friday morning while some Highland officers were on a meal break at the Highland Round The Clock Restaurant, Keeli Ford ( 7 years old from Lansing, Illinois) came up to say hello and gave each of the officers a Saint Michael medal. Highland Police posted the kind gesture on their social media page.
We reached out to Keeli and her mother Kara Ford Friday morning to hear more about Keeli’s efforts to spread her well wishes and protection to local officers. Ford told Region News this is nothing new for her daughters (7 & 12) to pass these medals to local Police Officers and they have been passing them out randomly for a few years to any officers they encounter. Keeli’s sister Kina is also involved in passing these out and actually the one that first started the idea. Both girls saved their allowance money as well as Communion money to purchase them over the Internet from Italy where they were blessed before being shipped. Ford told Region News Kina is a very spiritual young lady who often prays for the officers safety in these hard times. Kina attends St. Thomas More School in Munster and had all the medals blessed a second time at the church. The girls have been across the United States from Florida to San Diego blessing officers days with these.
St. Michael was chosen by Police Officers throughout the world as their patron saint but the one easily identifiable reason is that St Michael, Archangel Michael, is known for his ability to protect and caste out evil which lies at the heart of police officers and protectors of the peace.

Great to see a good story occasionally.