Troopers Receive “Smile Bags” From Local 6th Grader
On January 30, the Indiana State Police Lowell Post was presented with 60 “Smile Bags”. These bags are the idea of Addison Brown, the daughter of Daniel and Stacy Brown of Lowell, IN. The purpose of the smile bags is to bring smiles to children who may be going through a traumatic life event where law enforcement or first responders have been called. Addison came up with the idea when she saw a classmate going through a personal difficulty. She decided that her friend needed a smile, so she reached out when others didn’t. As a result of that interaction, Addison has a heart-felt passion for helping others in their time of need. 6 other local law enforcement agencies have received the bags, but the Lowell Post is the first State Police Post to receive the bags. With the assistance of the Rotary Club of Lowell, Addison was able to assemble 60 smile bags for the Lowell Post. Each bag contains items such as a dry erase board and marker, Kleenex, a small book, a toy and most importantly, a personal note of encouragement hand-written by Addison. Troopers will carry these bags in their patrol cars and distribute them as needed. Addison has assured the Troopers that if they are used, she will be happy to replace them with a new one, although she hopes they don’t have to be used at all!
Addison was presented with a District #13 Challenge Coin and patches as a token of our appreciation.
For more information on Addison’s project, you may visit her website at http://milesofmanysmiles.wixsite.com/mysite

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