Woman Extricated After Hitting Semi on 80/94
A small black vehicle was struck and pushed into the wall by a semi who fled the scene allegedly on 80/94 around 9pm Thursday. The accident occurred on Eastbound just past the Calumet Ave exit around MM 1. When RNS arrived on scene a woman was being extricated by Hammond Firefighters and was taken to a local hospital with non life threatening injuries. The Indiana State Police are investigating.
Update – The semi did stop at the next exit safely and did not flee, according to ISP. Toxicology results involving this accident have come back and on December 30 Police have charged a woman now identified as Cristy Slocum with –
Operating A Vehicle While Intoxicated,
Operating A Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering A Person Less Than 18 Years Old
Operating A Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering A Person

So many semi’s on 80/94 and so many people trying to pass between them and others at high speeds that it can be scary or frustrating sometimes. Would be nice if semi’s had their own private highways but that isn’t the world we live in and probably never will be.
Here’s the sad truth. The interstate highways were built for military and commercial vehicles so in essence the trucks are on their private highway. However the way both truckers and private vehicles drive on the 80/94 even when neither is intoxicated is dangerous. How many times do you read on here of people driving well over the speed limit on 80/94? That highway is so dangerous that ISP is hard pressed to stop anyone out there. It’s not that they can’t, but the safety issues of doing so preclude any positive results. Trying to marshal a speeding vehicle off to the shoulder is problematic.
The semi never stopped this is bullshit… And neither did the car the car that pushed us under the truck they both kept on going. Im just glad we are both alive… Everthing else will fall into place everything happens for a reason.