Hobart Mother Crashes Vehicle Intoxicated
A 1 year old girl is recovering from hypothermia after a Hobart mother crashed her vehicle in Porter County, Thursday, April 4th.
Police were dispatched near 600 N 625 West in reference to a female and a juvenile ringing doorbells around 2:45 AM. While officers were enroute to the call they came across a white Toyota Camry off the roadway in a field with airbags deployed. The vehicle was partially submerged in a stream of rushing water with a car seat in the Toyota, according to police reports.
Officers continued to the original call location where the reporting party advised officers the female and child left an unknown direction. While checking the area the officer heard a woman screaming and located them both around 3:13 AM standing in about 8 inches of water, both the female and child were completely soaked. It should be noted it was raining and 37 degrees outside. The officer escorted them both to the patrol car and called for EMS. The child was cold to the touch and possibly suffering from hypothermia.
The woman now identified as Melissa Adcock advised officers she left Hobart around 9:40 PM to go to Walmart to find bottles for the baby but could not find any so she was returning home. While doing so she stated she swerved to avoid a deer. Adcock’s cellphone was dead so she was attempting to find help by knocking on doors. Adcock told officers she didn’t consume any alcohol but she used mouthwash numerous times for mouth pain and was willing to submit to a breathalyzer. Adcock further stated her mother, who was in Georgia, made her take a breathalyzer prior to leaving due to her history of addiction. When asked why her mother would request that if she hadn’t been drinking, Melissa could not advise the officer. The officer noticed a strong odor of alcohol emitting from her breath and slurred speech during the investigation. Melissa then stated that she had two shots of alcohol at approximately 3:00 PM.
Officers asked Adcock if anyone could meet the baby at the hospital to which she advised she had nobody around except her 14 year old son who was at home with her other 2 year old child. Hobart Police were contacted to do a wellness check at her residence to which nobody answered.
When EMS arrived a temperature of the baby was taken which read 92.3 degrees. While that was occurring Adcock gave a weak sample to a portable breathalyzer which read .192 BAC.
On arrival at the hospital it was learned Adcock’s mother did not live in Georgia and was enroute to the hospital with Adcock’s husband as well who is also from the area. The attending physician attempted to speak with Adcock about their need to draw blood for the hospital’s normal course of treatment due to her level of intoxication and exposure to the cold. Adcock became extremely irate, arguing with medical staff, and refusing to allow them to draw her blood. The doctor made the decision to have Melissa placed in full restraints in order to obtain the hospital’s blood sample. Multiple hospital employees were required to restrain Melissa while the blood draw was performed.
Once Adcock’s mother arrived at the hospital, officers spoke with her regarding the incident. The mother stated Adcock and her husband had gotten into a verbal argument earlier in the evening. Her husband decided to leave for the night to avoid further escalation. At some point in the evening, Adcock’s sister had given her a PBT which indicated no alcohol present. A short time later, her mother and her were engaged in a verbal argument and the mother left to get a hotel for the night. The mother confirmed the juveniles Adcock had indicated were at the residence alone were being cared for by family.
Melissa Adcock was arrested for Neglect of a Dependant Causing Bodily Injury (Level 5 Felony), OWI with a passenger less than 18 years of age (Level 6 Felony), OWI – Endangering (A-Misd), and OWI (C-Misd). Additional charges are pending ISDT lab results. It should also be noted an empty bag of marijuana was also found in the center console of the crashed vehicle.